Monday, August 6, 2018

I will post your music video on our music site

I will post your music video on our music site


Music-promotion of all kinds is what we do best and our website continues to gain traction due to our relentless commitment to bring quality journalism to the independent music-scene and all the amazing & talent we find in every genre, band & artist that comes our way.  We make a lot of noise on the internet to bring attention to your tunes and have welcomed hundreds of artists onto our pages from all styles of music.

With this basic gig you'll get your video posted up right onto our main page, as well as a permanent URL address for you, which will remain up in our site archives for all to see at any time.

You can stockpile this gig with some pretty sweet extras to help get your new music video the attention it deserves!  You can get reviews done on it, have it added to our other sites...all kinds of stuff.  Make sure to check it out and make sure to add any applicable extras that apply!

- Jer


joeaponte:Great Service, I would definitely use it again! Thanks

thebeefsolver:Awesome experience all-around - always welcome here \u0026 fully recommend!\r\n\r\n- Jer @ SBS

jaitave:It is Perfect! nice job

thebeefsolver:Excellent to work with \u0026 always welcome here!\r\n\r\n- Jer @ SBS

jeffrussjswole:Great to work with

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