Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Interview You On My Music Website


An interview is one of the best ways for a band/artist to connect with an audience. I will listen carefully to your music and read your background info to come up with 5 (or 10 as an extra) bespoke questions tailored to you as an artist or band.

As this is a collaborative gig it's your chance to convey your artistic aims to the thousands that visit my music website every month. You may want to do this in conjunction with my music evaluation service also only available on Fiverr.

Along with the 5-10 questions, I will embed 3 band/artist pictures and artwork for your single/EP/album. To help people connect with your latest release you may want explain what a song is about. If your music is on Spotify, Youtube, Soundcloud or Bandcamp I can embed individual tracks into the interview. So for an EP or album you can say a few lines about each song and then people can listen to it directly. A great way to get people connected with your music!

As you will need time to answer the questions the turnaround will depend on how quickly you can answer them. once delivered to me I'll get the interview up on the website within a day. Please message me if you would like to see an example.



This is *not* your grandfather's interview. Thoughtful questions and professional delivery. I would *absolutely* do this again.


Very positive !


Great Communication In The Present Of Online.


Thank you so much


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