Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Send Your Music To The Top Record Labels In The Business


YOU, YES YOU can have a high chance at getting connected with some of the biggest music executives and A&R's in he business!

A little bit about myself, I have been in the music business for over 10+ years with a great success rate at what i do.  Basically, i will help you push your music and put it into the hands of the right people.  We all need that extra push at times and to be completely honest, sometimes it isn't about how good you are or what you know but WHO you know!  If you are looking to take your music career to the next level, then your in the right place.

Your music will be PERSONALLY sent to these record labels at which they will listen and contact you for further information if they decide you have what it takes to get down with the label.  There are always other options of course, for example,  you just want to stream your music? or you may just need help with promoting your music further or on a higher platform.  This will all be negotiated by you and the label.

100% satisfaction guaranteed:

*Endless opportunities to further your career

*Get your music personally sent to the High Ups

*You take control of your contract( if selected)



: : : : :

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