Saturday, June 30, 2018

I will do viral itunes promotion to music lovers

I will do viral itunes promotion to music lovers


ella is here, we are professional pr0m0ter with over 7 years of positive experiences.
We are expert in making your itunes music viral and making it getting to the hear of your targeted audiences, with this services your music will move viral and travel worldwide with no visa.
We provide organic services that will makes you stand ut among your competitor .
Our services will provide maximum exposure needed for your itunes music to be viral and also pr0m0te the singer as well.
Your pr0m0tion will be run on social medias and top USA/UK/CAN/AUS music forum.
Screenshot and links of your pr0m0tion will be provide , to serve as proof of work and to also monitor our work.
A mini clip of how your work was done will also be provided.

Much Love !







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